
New avenue for developing disease-modifying therapies of Alzheimer's disease: Reassessment of Amyloid-b as the primary target

分子神経科学研究センターでは、2000年から神経科学研究と国際共同研究の発展を目的とし、センター教員の一人をHost speakerとし、毎年国際シンポジウムを開催しております。本年度は、西村正樹准教授をHost Speakerとして、アルツハイマー病におけるベータアミロイドペプチドの研究において世界をリードしている国内外の研究者をお招きし、” New avenue for developing disease-modifying therapies of Alzheimer’s disease: Reassessment of amyloid-β as the primary target.”と題して、ご講演して頂きました。

Opening Remarks:

President Tadao Bamba
(President and Dean, Shiga University of Medical Science)

Welcome Remarks:

Professor Ikuo Tooyama
(Director of MNRC, Shiga University of Medical Science)

Aims and scope:

Associate Professor Masaki Nishimura
(MNRC, Shiga University of Medical Science)

"A Neuroprotection Framework in Cerebral Ischemia Based on a 'Stroke in a Dish' Model"

Paul Fraser (University of Toronto)

"Possible Pathogenesis of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease"

Toshiharu Suzuki (Hokkaido University)

"Aβ Reduction by Targeting the Penultimate Precursor"

Lei Liu and Masaki Nishimura (SUMS)

"Toward a Relationship Between Aβ Oligomer and Amyloid Hypothesis"

Hiroshi Mori (Osaka City University)

"Aβ Oligomer Immunotherapy as a Potential Disease-modifying Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease"

Etsuro Matsubara (Hirosaki University)

Closing remarks:

Vice President Takanori Hattori (Vice President and Dean, Shiga University of Medical Science)

At the reception party
Paul Fraserトロント大学教授