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Shiga University of Medical Science
TOP > University Hospital > Clinical Activities
Clinical Activities
Number of Patients 2014
Classification Inpatients Outpatients
Total Rate of Beds Occupied Average Length of Hospital Stay  Number per average day Total Number per average day
Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Medicine 9,634 105.6 9.6 26.4 17,893 73.3
Respiratory Medicine 8,736 114.0 15.0 23.9 9,775 40.1
Gastroenterology 12,009 86.6 12.2 32.9 24,237 99.3
Hematology 7,904 120.3 46.2 21.7 6.102 25.0
Diabetology, Endocrinology and Metabolism 4,105 70.7 13.2 11.2 17,120 70.2
Nephrology 4,931 70.7 16.3 13.5 8,294 34.0
Neurology 7,123 162.6 25.2 19.5 8,276 33.9
Medical Oncology  2 - - - 297 1.2
Pediatrics 16,048 99.9 17.4 44.0 17,452 71.5
Psychiatry 10,382 64.9 33.0 28.4 19,719 80.8
Dermatology 6,504 111.4 16.9 17.8 19,186 78.6
Surgery Gastrointestinal Surgery 10,452 77.4 17.7 28.6 6,289 25.8
Breast/General Surgery 3,679 100.8 9.8 10.1 8,905 36.5
Cardiovascular Surgery 9,263 101.5 21.8 25.4 3,236 13.3
Respiratory Surgery 4,814 62.8 13.0 13.2 2,850 11.7
Orthopaedic Surgery 17,367 98.2 23.6 47.6 20,624 84.5
Neurosurgery 8,928 106.3 20.7 24.5 7,649 31.3
Otorhinolaryngology 8,446 77.1 15.4 23.1 16,095 66.0
Maternal and Fetal Medicine
Female Pelvic Surgery and Reproductive Medicine
16,745 102.0 11.2 45.9 25,026 102.6
Urology 7,982 91.1 9.0 21.9 17,295 70.9
Ophthalmology 9,005 72.6 6.9 24.7 31,789 130.3
Pain Management Clinic
36 9.9 3.0 0.1 5,307 21.8
Radiology/Radiation Oncology 625 42.8 17.9 1.7 7,667 31.4
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2,256 61.8 10.2 6.2 11,683 47.9
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 546 - - 1.5 5,743 23.5
Emergency and I.C.U. 2,383 108.8 8.5 6.5 1,898 7.8
Grand Total 189,914 84.9 15.5 520.3 320,407 1,313.1
  Rate of Beds Occupied (%) =Averaged number of inpatients per day/Number of Beds (614 Beds)×100
244 days were opend for outpatients in 2014
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Referral Rate Change
  Number of Patients Referred(in) Number of Patients Referred(out) Number of Emergency Patients Number of First Medical Examination Patients Referred(in) Rate
(On medical treatment fee)
2014 13,681 11,432 2,554 21,150 78.8(78.8%)
2013 12,991 10,542 2,504 21,442 78.9(72.8%)
2012 12,671 10,640 2,610 22,595 75.8(68.3%)
NumbeNumber of Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy 2014
Classification Inpatients Outpatients Total
Radiography 47,030 62,584 109,614
Radioscopy 1,266 1,716 2,982
Computed Tomography 6,391 16,483 22,874
magnetic resonance imaging 1,927 7,071 8,998
Radio Isotope 425 1,738 2,163
Radiotherapy 4,488 3,946 8,434
Radiotherapy Planning 188 167 355
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Number of Clinical Examinations 2014
Types Cases
General 92,008
Blood 398,996
Microbiology 36,119
Serum 238,555
Clinical Chemistry 2,546,162
Pathology 21,663
Physiological Function 248,794
Blood/Body fluid Letting 9,796
Endoscopy 10,021
Radioisotope 1,771
Others 185,678
Total 3,789,563
Number of Surgical Operations Performed
Year 2012 2013 2014
Number of Cases 7,556 8,069 8,276
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Number of Autopsies 2014
Autopsies Deceased Patients* Rate
31 249 12.4%
* Excluding the number of patients in cardiopulmonary arrest on arrival.
Number of Deliveries 2014
Normal Abnormal Total
210 312 522
Prescriptions 2014
Classification Orders Cases Medicines
At Inhouse Pharmacy Inpatients 105,565 231,187 1,389,235
Outpatients 27,168 83,704 1,842,353
Total 132,733 314,891 3,231,588
At Outside Pharmacies 152,923 - -
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