Page 12 - Profile 2013

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Promotion of Priority Research Projects
Basic plan to train cancer professionals
Shiga University of Medical Science trains cancer specialists in the fields
of drug therapy, radiation therapy, palliative therapy and breast cancer
Advanced specialization training
The university has created an Advanced Specialist Training Program for all
study courses and aims for the students to obtain doctorates, becoming
specialist doctors.
Graduate Education
Setting goals for national examination pass rates for medical and nursing students
Shiga University of Medical Science is aiming for its students to achieve a pass rate of 95% or more on
the National Examination for medical practitioners, 98% or more on the National Examination for nursing
practitioners, and 95% or more on the National Examination for public health nursing practitioners.
Implementing hands-on training in comprehensive medicine for all students
Based on the success of education projects such as training for patient visits, the university has established
hands-on training in comprehensive medicine for all students and is working to develop the abilities of students
to communicate and think logically.
Medical student support program through local "foster parents"
With the goal of training doctors and nurses who will be in charge of future local medical services, Shiga University
of Medical Science has established an advising system for students in
which people including graduates are assigned as
foster parents
local residents as
semi-foster parents" to students from when they first
enter the university.
Program to foster basic medicine professionals
With the aid of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology, Shiga University of Medical Science supports
academically and financially students who want to be basic medicine
teachers/researchers during their studies in undergraduate and graduate
Undergraduate Education
Establishment of Disease Models and Medical Research using Macaques
Establishment of Alzheimer's disease model
Production of iPS cells and transplantation study using MHC-homo macaques
Research on pathogenesis of new influenza and testing of efficacy of several vaccines and anti-viral drugs
Study on cornea transplantation
Research on Intractable Neurological Diseases
Development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic methods for Alzheimer's disease
Development of novel immunotherapy targeting pathogenic proteins of ALS
Promotion of Cancer Treatment
Development of new cancer diagnostics using biomarkers, and to carry out the peptide vaccine treatment
Gastroenterological cancer treatments based on the anti-cancer drug sensitivity test
Research on Lifestyle-related Diseases
International cooperative studies and population-based studies on
atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes and obesity, etc., and to
establish the epidemiology research center
Identification of gene locus susceptible to Type 2 diabetes and its
Search for biomarkers of diabetic nephropathy and visceral obesity
MR Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Development of molecular imaging probes
Production of MR-compatible surgical manipulators