Welcome to Hitoshi Lab.

Hitoshi Lab Research Hitoshi Lab Members

Our research is focused on the stem cell biology, especially on the generation, proliferation, maintenance and differentiation of neural stem cells.

We are interested in how neural stem cells are selected and induced from precursor cells with broader potency (or pluripotent cells) in very early mouse embryos. We recently discovered that epigenetic regulation plays important roles in the generation of neural stem cells.

It is well known that neural stem cells exist in adult mammalian brains, including humans, and provide new neurons in the olfactory bulb and the dentate gyrus of hippocampus throughout the lifetime of the animal. We are studying the behaivior of neural stem cells in pathological conditions using animal models for chronic demyelination or depression. Our research might provide in the future insight into the pathogenesis of those diseases and the development of new treatment.

What's new...

Asmaa has moved to NYC as a postdoc in Dr. Meelad Dawlaty's Lab at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Many Good Luck!
Asmaa wrote a review paper regarding fucosyltransferase in the Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology.
Zakiyyah published her PhD work in the Journal of Physiological Sciences. Congratulations!
Asmaa's PhD work, analyzing the brain of Fut9 KO mice has been accepted for publication in the Neurochemical Research. Congratulations! She continues neural development and epigenetics research as a postdoc.
Another Malaysian graduate student, Azrah, joined our laboratory.
Koyama-sensei retired from the University but may continue research activities. Check it!
Our latest research mainly conducted by undergrad students has been accepted by the Cerebral Cortex. Many Congratulations!!
Ken's manuscript studying the effect of neonatal stress on neural stem cells in adulthood has been accepted by the Frontiers in Neuroscience. Congratulations!
Dr. Fuchigami moved to Dr. Yu's laboratory @Augusta University.
Zakiyyah joined our laboratory and now we have three happy Malaysian graduate students. Check it!
Many Lab Rats in our Department attended the ISN-ASN Meeting 2019 @Montréal, Canada and we enjoyed the discussion and dinner!
Dr. Hayashi presented a poster @Neuro2019 at Niigata, Japan, regarding the function of Glial cells missing 1 gene, which we are long studying.
Many staffs and students in our Department attended the 96th Physiological Society of Japan/9th Federation of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies Congress @Kobe, Japan.
Asmaa joined our laboratory from the National Malaysia University, Malaysia.
We participated in the Asia-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry APSN Meeting @Macau, in which Dr. Hayashi gave a talk as an invited speaker at the Young Investigator Colloquium. We enjoyed Macau night!
We had a Farewell party for Lea, a summer student from the University Santo Tomas, Phillipines.
Dr. Hayashi published a review paper in the Journal of Neurochemistry.
Keita, a registered undergrad student in our lab., gave an oral presentation at the 95th Physiological Society of Japan meeting @Takamatsu, Japan.
Minocycline paper by Anri has been accepted for publication in the Neurochemical Research.
We attended the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry meeting @Sendai, Japan.
Prof. Hitoshi held a symposium regarding the adult neurogenesis in the ISN-ESN meeting @Paris.
Dr. Morimura publised a Lrfn2 paper in the Nature Communications. Congratulations!
We held the 12th Adult Neurogenesis Conference in our university and many researchers and students gathered for discussion and fun!

Selected Publications

Abdullah A, Hayashi Y, Morimura N, Kumar A, Ikenaka K, Togayachi A, Narimatsu H, Hitoshi S (2022) Fut9 deficiency causes abnormal neural development in the specific layer of the brain and retina. Neurochem Res 47, 2793–2804  
*Tanaka A, *Ishida S, *Fuchigami T, Hayashi Y, Kuroda A, Ikenaka K, Hitoshi S (2020) Life-long neural stem cells are fate-specified at an early developmental stage. Cerebral Cortex 30, 6415–6425 (*, equal contribution)
Daun KA, Fuchigami T, Koyama N, Maruta N, Ikenaka K, Hitoshi S (2020) Early maternal and social deprivation expands neural stem cell population size and reduces hippocampus/amygdala-dependent fear memory. Front Neurosci 14, 22
Kuroda A, Fuchigami T, Fuke S, Koyama N, Ikenaka K, Hitoshi S (2018) Minocycline directly enhances the self-renewal of adult neural precursor cells. Neurochem Res 43, 219-226
Morimura N, Yasuda H, Yamaguchi K, Katayama KI, Hatayama M et al. (2017) Autism-like behaviours and enhanced memory formation and synaptic plasticity in Lrfn2/SALM1-deficient mice.
Nature Communications 8, 15800
*Naruse M, *Ishino Y, Kumar A, Ono K, Takebayashi H, Yamaguchi M, Ishizaki Y, Ikenaka K, Hitoshi S (2015) The dorsoventral boundary of the germinal zone is a specialized niche for the generation of cortical oligodendrocytes during a restricted temporal window. Cerebral Cortex 26, 2800-2810 (*, equal contribution)
*Zheng L-S, *Hitoshi S, *Kaneko N, Takao K, Miyakawa T, Tanaka Y, Xia H, Kalinke U, Kudo K, Kanba S, Ikenaka K, Sawamoto K (2014) Mechanisms for interferon-α-induced depression and neural stem cell dysfunction. Stem Cell Reports 3, 74-83 (*, equal contribution)
*Ishino Y, *Hayashi Y, Naruse M, Tomita K, Sanbo M, Fuchigami T, Fujiki R, Hirose K, Toyooka Y, Fujimori T, Ikenaka K, Hitoshi S (2014) Bre1a, a histone H2B ubiquitin ligase, regulates the cell cycle and differentiation of neural precursor cells. J Neurosci 34, 3067-3078 (*, equal contribution)
Kumar A, Torii T, Ishino Y, Muraoka D, Yoshimura T, Togayachi A, Narimatsu H, Ikenaka K, Hitoshi S (2013) The Lewis X-related α1,3-fucosyltransferase, Fut10, is required for the maintenance of stem cell populations. J Biol Chem 288, 28859-28868
Hitoshi S, Ishino Y, Kumar A, Jasmine S, Tanaka KF, Kondo T, Kato S, Hosoya T, Hotta Y, Ikenaka K (2011) Mammalian Gcm genes induce Hes5 expression by active DNA demethylation and induce neural stem cells. Nat Neurosci 14, 957-964
Higashi M, Maruta N, Bernstein A, Ikenaka K, Hitoshi S (2008) Mood stabilizing drugs expand the neural stem cell pool in the adult brain through activation of Notch signaling. Stem Cells 26, 1758-1767
Hitoshi S, Alexon T, Tropepe V, Donoviel D, Elia AJ, Nye JS, Conlon RA, Mak TW, Bernstein A, van der Kooy D (2002) Notch pathway molecules are essential for the maintenance, but not for the generation, of mammalian neural stem cells. Genes & Dev 16, 846-858

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