
No Limits
Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.
Contains 72 million records, 70% with abstracts. Over 22,800 titles from 5,000 publishers worldwide.
Includes over 8 million conference papers. Provides 100% Medline coverage.
PubMed @SUMS

No Limits
PubMed, provided by the NLM (National Library of Medicine) via internet freely, enables you to search articles in medical and life sciences. Since 1949.
Accessing from "PubMed @SUMS", you can find the full text of electronic journals on the display of a detailed bibliography.
In 2020 spring, the user interface was updated.

Life science literature database provided by the NLM(National Library of Medicine).
Including to "Index Medicus","Dental Literature","International Nursing".
Corresponds to MeSH, and then directed to the appropriate search term.
Provides a literature review and controlled trials, with high reliability in order to practice the EBM(Evidence-Based Medicine).
Including of 7 databases.
DARE, CMR, HTA, and NHSEED currently stop updates.
- ACP Journal Club
Recorded literature that meet certain criteria from a reliable medical journal.
- The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
Database of clinical trials, including MEDLINE and EMBASE information.
- The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
Database of systematic reviews at the core of the Cochrane Collaboration.
- The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE)
Including the structured abstracts of systematic reviews.
- Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR)
Bibliography of publications that report on methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. It includes journal articles, books, and conference proceedings, and the content is sourced from MEDLINE and hand searches.
- Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA)
Brings together details of completed and ongoing health technology assessments (studies of the medical, social, ethical, and economic implications of healthcare interventions) from around the world.
- NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHSEED)
Assists decision-makers by systematically identifying economic evaluations from around the world, appraising their quality, and highlighting their relative strengths and weaknesses.
- Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs)
Contains a clinical question, a short answer, and data for the outcomes from the Cochrane Review
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The Cochrane Library [Wiley]

No Limits
The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and a seventh database that provides information about Cochrane groups.
Available only free contents.

No Limits
The database about nursing provided by EBSCO. Since 1982.
Including books, dissertations, conference proceedings, teaching materials, audiovisual materials.

No Limits
UpToDate aims to answer to diagnosis, treatment, prevention, clinical questions.
You can use ”UpToDate” in off-campus -> seehere
Procedures CONSULT

No Limits
Procedures Consult is a robust, online procedure reference tool that offers easy access to complete details on how to prepare for, perform and follow up on the most common procedures required in today's hospital setting.
The service is scheduled to be discontinued in March 2020.
Nursing Skills

No Limits
Nursing Skills is an on-line tool to confirm nursing skills with videos and E-learning. You can grasp a practical image with animation and learn nursing skills along with the basis of the procedure.
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This is a database of mathematical literature provided by the American Mathematical Society.
The database corresponds to abstracts in Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications, and comprehensively contains journals, conference proceedings, and author information for approximately 2,800 journals.
Ichushi Web

Recording a journal article of medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, nursing science etc in the Japanese.
Since 1983.
Don't forget to logoff !
Saishin Kango Sakuin Web

Provided by the JNA(Japanese Nursing Association), including nursing science. Since 1987.
Don't forget to logoff !
CiNii Research

No Limits
Provided by NII(National Institute of Informatics). "CiNii Research" enables you to search not only information on academic articles but also a lot of information related to research activities such as research data and project information.

No Limits
Comprehensive site that provides drug information and medical literature, medical equipment, medical services.
- Medical literature Service
Searching and browsing for literature on publishers and societies in Japan.
More than 850 titles (medical journals). - E-Books Service
Provide medical books publishd in Japan. More than 2000 titles.
- Pharmaceutical products Database
Provide pharmaceutical products(new drugs・generic drugs)and OTC(Over The Counter) drugs information.
- Products Database
Provide equipment products, consumables, systems and services etc.
Nikkei BP Kiji Kensaku Service

No Limits
Searching and browsing the Nikkei BP's Journals.
There is limit in number of downloading articles.
JCR(Journal Citation Reports) Impact Factor

No Limits
Analysis tool of scholarly journals provided by Clarivate Analytics. Provides a variety of impact and influence metrics, including the Journal Impact Factor.
Essential Science Indicators(ESI)

No Limits
Enables researchers to conduct ongoing, quantitative analyses of research performance and track trends in science.
MedDRA is an English-based medical glossary developed by the Expert Working Group (EWG) of the International Conference on Harmonization of Pharmaceutical Regulations (ICH) and agreed as ICH. MedDRA/J is a Japanese version of MedDRA.
The Others