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Shiga University of Medical Science
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Philosophy and Objectives

Shiga University of Medical Science strives to serve the health and social welfare of the community by cultivating trustworthy medical professionals with the best possible training, and by promoting advanced research in medicine and nursing.


The principles of Shiga University of Medical Science are based on Japan's Fundamental Law of Education, the School Education Law and the National University Corporation Law. We equip students with general knowledge and with highly advanced expert knowledge and professional skills in the fields of medicine and nursing. Our goal is to encourage a faithful sence of medical ethics and the spirit of scientific inquiry. This is to contribute to the development of medicine and nursing, and to the welfare of the community. (The 1st article of the regulations of Shiga University of Medical Science)

Fundamental Considerations on Education

Recently, the field of life sciences has been developing at a remarkable speed, vastly expanding the range of knowledge related to medicine, and creating whole new branches of science.

The needs of our society also, for medicine and medical care, have expanded and diversified, and not just in purely medical aspects, but in aspects of life sciences, social welfare, and international cooperation in medicine. There is a need for personnel competent in all these aspects.

We are presently embarking on a thorough reconsideration of the university' s curriculum and methods of study, to heighten the quality of medical education at the university, and to compete with international standards.

We have held, as the ideal for the foundation of this university, that It is our purpose to educate students to have balanced knowledge of general subjects, a high standard of knowledge and skills in medicine or nursing, and at the same time to have a solid sense of ethics, with competent and enquiring minds. It is our duty to do so, to contribute to improvements in medicine and nursing, and so to contribute to the welfare of society.

Therefore, we intend to establish a "core curriculum" in our medical education, such that the subjects most essential to medical students shall be compulsory. In addition, we shall aim to provide a breadth and balance of knowledge and a sense of ethics. Concerning teaching methods, we will make major changes, away from transmission of information from teachers, toward active research methods, so that students become their own researchers, and in clinical training, we will promote a clinical clerkship approach.

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Our Aims
(1) To nurture clinical abilities compatible with international standards

a. Basic knowledge and understanding of diseases

b. Knowledge and understanding of health and prevention of disease

c. Basic clinical skills, and communication skills

d. Clear medical ethics for doctors
(2) To nurture the ability to keep up with developments in the theory and practice of medicine, and to contribute to them.

a. Students should acquire the ability to solve problems for themselves through independent study, and with positive attitudes to learning

b. Students should acquire skills in both communication and information-gathering.
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