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Shiga University of Medical Science
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Characteristics of the SUMS Curriculum

At this University, we assign liberal arts education to the first year and the first semester of the second year, to help students acquire some understanding of a wide range of culture. In the second semester of the second year, and the first semester of the third year, students learn basic medical subjects such as human anatomy, cellular biology, human body-mechanics, neurology, molecular genetics, mechanisms of disease.
For education in clinical medicine, a small-group active-learning method is used, so that students will be able to integrate the lectures into their own studies.
At the end of their fourth year, students will take the nation-wide unified tests the Computer-Based Testing (CBT) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), to find out to what extent they have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills of national standard.
Students will do their clinical practice ("Hospital Rotations") in their fifth and sixth years, and they will be required to meet basic standards of clinical skills through participating in practice. During the last part of their clinical practice in their sixth year, they will concentrate on core subjects, focusing on internal medicine and surgery, and then they will choose their own special subjects.

The Basic Study Course
(1) Promoting Liberal Arts Subjects

a. Students are to attain basic knowledge of medicine through the Basic Life Sciences, which are the separately-taught subjects of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

b. Students are to acquire a wealth of liberal arts culture, knowledge, and ethics though the Basic Human Sciences, which are Human Science, Social Science, and Languages.

c. Students are to learn an outline of medicine, in the courses "Introduction to Science for Medical Students," and "Special Topics in Medicine," to heighten their motivation toward medicine and medical care.

d. Students are to learn more about medicine through the course Cellular Biology as a linking course.
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Courses in Basic Medicine and Clinical Medicine
(1) Introduction of the core curriculum

a. An effective Core Curriculum

b. Core Curriculum lectures coordinated to minimize overlap and repetition

c. Special lectures on current topics in medicine and medical care.
(2) Small-group active learning

a. Acquisition of problem-solving ability

b. Acquisition of communicative ability
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Clinical Medicine Course
(1) Acquisition of Basic Clinical Skills

a. Fulfilling the standard of Objective Clinical Ability, through the use of mock patients and other methods.
(2) Introduction of Clinical Clerkship

a. Clinical practice outside the University

b. Developing a Core Syllabus in Clinical Practice, and leading students to choose their own specialities.
(3) Medicine and Society
  a. Roles and Responsibilities of a medical institution
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