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TOP > Curriculum > Graduate School of Nursing
Graduate School of Nursing
Educational Goal

Developing the following abilities through lectures, practice, clinical training and special research activity in technical and common subjects:

(1) Ability to apply knowledge, techniques, ethics and scientific fundamentals in nursing to the various technical fields of practitioner nursing.
(2) Ability to demonstrate high level of technical knowledge and skills relevant to nursing practice and management in the healthcare system.
(3) Ability to demonstrate leadership in decision-making and execution of major actions under various different situations as a nursing professional in cooperation with professionals of healthcare, medical therapy and welfare.
Ability to perform useful educational activity with nursing professionalism and to acquire high levels of know-how and skills related to the concept and approach in nursing education.
(5) Ability to identify problems in nursing and to promote proactive and novel research activities.
(6) Ability to develop novel nursing techniques/skills and use them in clinical applications consistent with nursing ethics and practice.
(7) Ability to flexibly handle complicated and multifaceted human healthcare problems with individual differences and the capacity to participate in academic and international forums.
Special Features of the curriculum

Special Features of the Research Fields
Establishing a common framework with the objective to develop and acquire fundamental knowledge, research methods and techniques of technical research in the following fields of study:

[Basic Nursing] The research field of basic nursing aspires to pursue and cover the scientific aspects of nursing and to discover common basic theories related to all aspects of practitioner nursing through research by collective incorporation of human resources as subjects performing the nursing. 'Basic Nursing I' molds morphofunctional fundamentals in research studies while 'Basic Nursing II' explores the scientific aspects of conventional nursing skills/techniques in research studies on development of novel nursing skills/technique.
[Clinical Nursing] A study aspires to endeavor research of the human body system with application of nursing intervention in high-level practitioner nursing, befitting the research fields of adult nursing, nursing for the elderly, child nursing, maternal nursing, psychiatric nursing, etc.  
[Home and Community nursing] A study aspires to perform systemic research on nursing in fields related with living, covering the fields of community nursing and home nursing. This discipline enhances research studies on health issues related with home and regional communities.
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Courses available

Two courses are available in the Master Degree Course: Research Course in Education (Master’s dissertation course) and Higher Degree Professional Course.

Elective Subjects

Students are able to choose from the many elective subjects other than the specified research themes and from relevant lecture subjects of their various specified themes and common fields of all research disciplines in combination with their respective research themes.

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Comprehensive Research Guidelines

A midterm presentation related to the preparations of the Master's dissertation is designated with due consideration given to comprehensive guidelines beyond details of the respective fields of study.

Special Exception in Educational Approach

In accordance with Article 14 of the 'Special Exception in Education Approach' of the Graduate School Establishment Standards, it is possible for professionals wishing to pursue courses, education and receive research guidance without relinquishing their professions and when and where appropriate, to begin follow a series of lectures through adjustments of the lecture schedule and periods with the potential candidates.

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