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Undergraduate School of Medicine

The field of life science has markedly progressed in recent years; knowledge of medicine has expanded and novel fields of study have evolved as well. However, meeting the needs for medical therapies has become a multifaceted issue, and the demand for capable human resources in the various fields of not only medical science, but life science, welfare, international therapy, etc. is becoming more urgent than ever. In our university, the course curricula and learning methods have accordingly been revised to enhance the quality of medical education and to provide the needs in establishing and securing standards in meeting the rising tide of globalization.

The revised curriculum is based on the ‘model-core curriculum’ where recent advances in life science are incorporated with the objective to instill extensive cultural/educational and ethical values in students.

(1) Development of a global standard in clinical know-how:

i) Guiding students to acquire basic knowledge and understanding of disease.

ii) Developing the ability to know and understand health and disease prevention.

iii) Equipping students with basic therapeutic skills and communication techniques

iv) Developing ethical values required of a medical care provider
(2) Development of ability to cope with and to further contribute to advances in medicine and medical therapy:
  i) Developing problem-solving know-how through voluntary proactive learning
  ii) Developing know-how in communication and information collection
Features of the curriculum

The main objectives of liberal education in medical science are emphasized within the first and second academic years, while curricula from the third year on incorporate medical ethics and technical English, providing extensive fields of study for liberal arts and basic medical education.

Clinical medicine between the third and fourth academic year involves an integrated discipline of relevant basic medical fields, where studies of the respective body organs are integrated into a collaborative curriculum incorporating relevant lectures on basic and clinical medicine. Themes are explored to cultivate the ability in solving problems along with proactive learning involving only a small number of students in addition to regular lectures and organic coordination.

In September of the fourth academic year, students are given one month of voluntary apprenticeship, and basic knowledge and know-how required in clinical training are evaluated on a national level by the end of the academic year.

Clinical training is done from the fifth to the sixth academic years, where the standard of basic therapeutic know-how is maintained on a basis of joint clinical training. Note that: students will also be introduced to an advance course involving clinical training outside the university to fulfill clinical clerkship requirement during the later half of the clinical training (sixth academic year).

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Basic Course
(1) Fulfilling liberal education
i) Introducing biology, physics and chemistry as basic life sciences to enable students to acquire basic knowledge required for medicine.
ii) Introducing humanities, social sciences and linguistics as fundamental human studies to provide valuable education and ethics.

iii) Lectures on introduction to medicine, life sciences in medicine and special medical seminars are introduced to enhance motivation in medicine/medical therapy.
  iv) Incorporating cell biology as an integrated science to facilitate and enhance motivation in medicine.
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Special Majors
(1) Introduction of the model-core curriculum:

i) Essence of the content-learning through core curriculum.
  ii) Integrated lectures on different course studies.
(2) Special lectures on the latest information on medicine/medical therapy.

i) Developing the ability in problem-solving.

ii) Developing communication know-how.
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Clinical Training
(1) Acquisition of basic diagnostic know-how through simulated patients, skills in data interpretation and laboratory findings to fulfill objective clinical diagnosis ability.
(2) Introduction to clinical clerkship:

i) Fulfilling the program through participation in clinical training outside the university.

ii) Introduction to an Advance Course in clinical training.
(3) Medical therapy and society:
  Roles and responsibilities in medical therapy.
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Coursework Assessments

To further complement medical education in our university, an approach involving multilateral interactions is adopted: self-drive by students themselves in their pursuit of knowledge and self-evaluation of curriculum planning, actual clinical practice and lecture contents of teachings staff; conscious effort on the part of the teaching staff with respect to their own lectures; and evaluation of the teaching effectiveness/style of teaching staff by a third party, etc. These findings are useful in improving teaching contents and educational techniques. Assessments of all subjects and practical sessions are performed accordingly. It goes without saying that that diligent effort and cooperation on the part of students themselves in following lectures and performing practical studies are a prerequisite for acquiring the above objectives.

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