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Annual Social Gathering for International Exchange in 2013


On January 9, 2013, the annual “Evening for International Exchange” was held at the Student Center Cafeteria. Almost 100 people got together, including our international students and researchers, and their families, the delegates from supporting organizations, local volunteers, and SUMS staff members. It was a great opportunity for the participants to develop closer relations with each other.

This year, a voluntary presentation entitled “International Students & Researchers: Life at SUMS” was initiated and made by eight international students. They talked about their active everyday life when they can manage to take time out from their busy studying to enjoy sports and to learn about Japanese culture.
All international students & researchers and members of the SUMS Chorus Club collaboratively sang Hana wa saku [Flowers are blooming.] It is a theme song for post-earthquake reconstruction and was introduced to the international students & researchers during their excursion last November. All participants were attracted by their soulful singing. It was the result of their voluntary hard practices from the year-end holidays. Also, one international student took part in the magnificent performances by our A Cappella Circle, Yozora no mukou [Beyond the Night Sky] and “Over the Rainbow.”

On the center table, Islamic traditional dishes made by some international students were offered as well as Japanese dishes. Art works of Ikebana [flowers arrangement] by four international students decorated one corner of the room, helping to add a more festive New Year’ atmosphere.
The photos of “SUMS’ excursion for the international students/researchers”, “Two-day field trip to Okishima island on Lake Biwa organized by Circum-Lake-Biwa Universities-Regional Government Consortium” held last September and “Mochi pounding (rice-cake making) organized by the Committee for the Promotion of International Exchange Students” held last December were exhibited. Many people looked at them with interest.

At the end of the party, all participants sang Biwako Shuukoo no Uta [Lake Biwa Boat Cruising Song] together to the accompaniment of members of the SUMS Student Orchestra, which was customary for this event. It was a really enjoyable evening with a friendly atmosphere.



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