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Transferring into Undergraduate School of Medicine
Transfer Admission to Undergraduate School of Medicine

Two types of transfer admission are possible at the Undergraduate School of Medicine. One is a transfer admission to the Faculty of Medicine with a bachelor's degree at the beginning of the second semester of the second year (October). The other is a transfer admission to the Faculty of Nursing at the beginning of the third year (April). Since classes are conducted in Japanese, mastery of Japanese language is essential for admission.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy one of the requirements described below or must be expected to satisfy one by the end of the month before their admission; by September 30th for the Faculty of Medicine / by March 31st for the Faculty of Nursing. (contact SUMS admissions office for details)

1. Transfer Admission to the Faculty of Medicine with a bachelor’s degree at the beginning of the second semester of the second year
(1) Graduation from a university, including a four-year (or more) overseas university, except for graduates or students of a faculty of medicine
(2) Completion of a master’s or doctoral program, except for graduates or students of a faculty of medicine
(3) Receipt of a bachelor’s degree by the National Institution for Academic Degrees
2. Transfer Admission to the Faculty of Nursing at the beginning of the third year
(1) Graduation from a nursing department of a junior college.
(2) Completion of a nursing course of a higher vocational school whose required term of study is more than two years and also whose required class hours for completion is more than 1700 hours. Applicants must have qualifications for entering a university according to the School Education Law.

For more detailed information, please contact our Admissions Office.
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No special selection can be made for foreign students. Foreign applicants must take the same entrance examinations as are given to Japanese applicants.

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