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TOP > Curriculum > Graduate School of Medicine > Academic Plans etc.
Academic Plans etc.
Academic Plans
1. During 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, 30 credits or more should be acquired as follows:
  4 credits in the enrolled course, 10 credits of common subjects in all courses, and 16 credits of elective subjects ( 4 credits by your main counselor's subject, 4 credits by your sub counselor's subject, and 4 credits by your interesting subject. For example you want, you can get 8 credits on your course, and 4 credits on other course.)
2. During 3rd and 4th years,
  Students concentrate on the self-imposed research under the appropriate guidance of the academic advisers, and the wide scholarship and the advanced capabilities to research independently and creatively as prospective great researchers.
Award of Degree
1. The awarded degree is Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science.
2. The degree will be awarded to those who have been registered for more than four years, have acquired 30 credits or more as mentioned above, have received the necessary research guidance, and have passed the examination on the doctoral thesis and the final examination. Under some conditions, the degree might be able to be awarded to the person who has been extremely excellent in his/her academic works and research, even though his/her registered period is more than three years and also less than four years.
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