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Campus Life
1. Advisors

There are foreign student advisors who are here to advise you with regard to study and personal life. Feel free to visit them and talk about your problems.

2. "Tutorial" System

There are "Tutors" or student assistants to help you with your life and study. Make the best use of this system for the sake of your study and research. Graduate / research students (both Japanese government scholarship students and self-supported students except for students, majoring in Japanese studies.) can participate in the tutorial system for the first year after their arrival in Japan, if recommended by their supervisory professors.

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3. Library

The library collects general and introductory materials for undergraduate students, and also acquires materials on medicine and related fields to be used by graduate students and faculty members. These materials include books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, CD-ROMs etc. It also provides a reference service by compiling holding catalogs and acquiring general reference and secondary materials. You can also locate the materials of more than 1,000 off-campus libraries through the science information network. A copy service for these materials is available. In order to use the library materials effectively, users are advised to consult the "Library Guide" and "Library Regulations".

If you need help when using the library, feel free to ask the library staff. Library services:

(1) Library Hours
  Monday-Friday 9:00 - 20:00
Saturday 13:00 - 17:00
*Any temporary changes of hours will be posted in advance.
*At some hours other than the above, the library is also available in the absence of the library staff.
(2) Holidays
  The library is closed on Sundays, national holidays, the anniversary of the founding of the university (Oct. 1) and during the year end and New Year break (Dec. 27 - Jan. 5). Any other library closings will be posted in advance.
(3) Borrowing regulations and others
  To enter the library or to take materials out of the library on loan, you should bring your Student ID card. Books, periodicals and newspapers are available in the reading rooms. Maximum number of books or journals and periods of lending are as follows.
Books and bound journals: 5, one week
Unbound journals: 10, three days
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4. Japanese Language Courses

The lectures and seminars are given in Japanese. International students are required to acquire Japanese language skills early.

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5. Issuance of Certifications & Other Documents

If you complete the application forms provided by the Student Division (Gakusei-ka), you may receive.

(1) Student I.D. or University I.D. Card
  The student I.D. card (Gakuseisho) is issued to students, and the University I.D. card to research students. Students are always expected to carry their I.D. cards with them. Without the I.D. card, a student may be prohibited from using the library and other facilities.
(2) Certificate of Registration
  Certification of student status and period of stay.
(3) Certificate of Academic Records (Graduate Students)
  Certification of grades and credits obtained.
(4) Commuter's Certificate (Graduate Students)
  For graduate students who commute to the school by public transport (train and/or bus), commuter's certificates are issued, with which you can get a discount commutation (season) ticket ("Teiki-ken") .
(5) Certificate for Student Travel Discount (Graduate Students)
  This certificate is issued to graduate students (not to research students or auditing students). You are entitled to this certificate if you travel over 100km in each direction of one journey by JR (Japan Railways) train(s) and/or ship(s). The fare is discounted by 20%.
(6) Certificate of Guarantee (Japanese Government Scholarship Students)
  This certificate is issued by the university and guarantees the scholarship student payment of his scholarship as well as evidence of student status. This certificate is necessary when Japanese government scholarship students apply for an extension of their period of stay in Japan. You can apply for this certificate at the Student Division (Gakusei-ka) before it is needed.
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6. Follow-up Services After Returning Home
(1) Follow-up Technical Publication Donation
  The Association of International Education, Japan (AIEJ) sends academic journals and other technical publications to Monbusho scholars who have completed their term of scholarship, and to other foreign students who have graduated from a Japanese higher education institute and have returned to their country, so that they can continue to pursue their research.
(2) Follow-up Research Fellowship
  Former foreign students from Asia, Africa, and the Middle and Near East who continue their research or education in their home country are eligible to return to Japan for follow-up research (up to 90 days). They are able to continue to advance their previous research at a Japanese University though this follow-up research program.
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