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Tuition Fees and Scholarship
1. How to Pay Tuition Fees & Other Fees

It is not necessary for Japanese Government Scholarship students to pay the entrance examination fee, entrance fee and tuition fee, but other students must pay these fees.

Entrance Examination Fee · · · When you apply for the examination.
Entrance Fee · · · After you get entrance permission, you must pay this fee to the Accounting Division (Kaikei-ka) of the Department by the due date.
Tuition Fee · · · Pay your tuition accompanied by the payment system using the bank as an agency. Foreign students with Japanese government scholarships are exempt from the entrance fees and tuition fees.

The following list shows entrance admission fees and tuition fees.

Classification Entrance fees (2011) Tuition fees (2011)
Graduate Students ¥282,000 ¥535,800/yr.
Research Students ¥84,600 ¥346,800/yr.
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2. Tuition Fee Exemption (for self-supported students)
  Undergraduate and graduate students who can not pay tuition fees for financial reasons, but maintain good academic records, may be exempt from tuition fees. Before the period for paying tuition fees (the beginning of April and the beginning of September) you will be notified as to when and how to apply for the exemption on the official bulletin board.
For further information please contact the Student Division (Gakusei-ka). Exemption from tuition fees is not granted to research students or auditing students.
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3. Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship
  Please open a bank account in your own name in Japan. Monthly payments will be transferred to your account at a designated bank each month (¥155,500 per month). You must sign an application form at the Student Division (Gakusei-ka) on the 1st day of every month.
If you are out of Japan for a full month, the payment will not be made for that month, regardless of the reason.
Whenever you change your address or bank account, please submit the "Letter of Request for Payment to Bank" to the Student Division (Gakusei-ka).
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4. Extension of Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships Tenure
  If a Japanese Government Scholarship student wishes to extend his/her period of stay and also applies for an extension of scholarship tenure, the application should be submitted around December (for students whose tenure expires in March). Those who wish to apply for the extension should notify the Student Division (Gakusei-ka) to which they belong.

(1) Application Form
The form is available at the Student Division (Gakusei-ka).
(2) Letter of Recommendation from your Academic Advisor.
Ask your Academic Advisor to supply this.

The above papers are to be submitted to Monbusho through the University. If the applicant passes the Monbusho screening process, his/her extension of period of stay and scholarship tenure may be granted.
However, as there are many applicants every year, it should by remembered you’re your application may be rejected, so you must be prepared for such a possibility when you apply. It is therefore also necessary to begin preparations to return home at the time of application. You will also need to consider whether it is possible for you to remain in Japan as a self-supported student to continue your studies.
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5. The Association of International Education
  Please open a bank account in your own name in Japan. Monthly payments will be transferred to your account each month (¥80,000 per month).
If you are out of Japan for a full month, the payment will not be made for that month regardless of the reason.
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6. Scholarships
  The following scholarships are available to privately-funded students. For further information please contact the student Division (Gakusei-ka).
  Organization and Scholarships to Assist Privately funded Foreign Students
Scholarship (Foundation) Eligibility Amounts per month Application Period
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbu-kagakusho) Privately funded student from abroad General Scholarship 1) Those who are of excellent academic standing and are recognized to be in need of financial assistance for their study in Japan.

2) Those who are enrolled in graduate school in a master or doctor course as regular students (including university degree-holders who are enrolled and doing research at the graduate level).

3) Recipients of other scholarships with stipends exceeding ¥70,000 for general scholarship are not
¥70,000 Mid-April
Heiwado Foundation Foreign Students Scholarship 1) Holders of "college student" status of residence.

2) Not the government scholarship students.

3) Those who have obtained recommendation from the president of the university or the academic adviser.

4) Recipients of other scholarships of the same amount of stipend are not qualified.

5) Those who are in need of financial support.
¥50,000 Early May
Shiga International Friendship Association Foreign Students' Scholarship 1) Holders of "college student" status of residence.

2) Not the government scholarship students.

3) Students who plan to study at junior colleges, undergraduate or graduate schools (including research students) in Shiga Prefecture for at least 1 year (including the period before the application).

4) Recipients of other scholarships receiving stipends exceeding ¥20,000 per month are not qualified.

5) Those who are recognized as in need of academic standing.
6) Those who are living in Shiga Prefecture.
¥20,000 Early July
Scholarship for Foreign Students Staying in Japan (Heiwa Nakajima Foundation) 1) Non-Japanese students who are enrolled at Japanese undergraduate or graduate schools for study purposes and are in need of financial support.

2) Good health with excellent academic standing and personal conduct.

3) Those who are foreign students at private expense.

4) Recipients of other scholarships receiving stipends exceeding ¥30,000 per month are not eligible.
¥120,000 Early Sept.
Yoneyama Master and Doctor (YMD) Course Scholarship (Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation) 1) Non-Japanese students from countries or regions which have Rotary Club branches, who have come to Japan to study or conduct research and are holders of "college student" status of residence (those whose parents or spouse are Japanese, or are residing in Japan with regular income, are not qualified).

2) Those who are enrolled in a doctor's program in the 3rd or 4th year.

3) Those of excellent academic standing and in good health.

4) Those who have not obtained a Ph.D. degree yet.

5) Less than 40 years old.

6) Not recipients of other scholarships.

7) Former recipients of this scholarship are not eligible.
¥150,000 Late Aug.
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7. Field Study Allowance (Japanese Government Scholarship Students)
  Travel expenses are paid for attending conferences and research that requires travel. The maximum amount is ¥24,000 (for the academic year 1999). You must submit a claim for the expenses before you travel and also hand in a written report after you return.
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8. Observation Trip Allowance
(Japanese Government Scholarship Students, Self-supported Students.)
  Travel expenses for field studies or research are available (about ¥10,000 per year) for international students as one of the plans for aiding educational activities. You must submit a claim for the expenses before you travel and also hand in a written report after you return.
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9. Travel Expenses to Return Home
  Japanese government scholarship students who fall under one of the following three categories are given an economy-class airline ticket that usually covers the fare from Kansai International Airport (Kanku) to the nearest national airport of the students' home country.
To get your air ticket, you must submit an application form for this allowance to the Student Division (Gakusei-ka). If you are planning to leave Japan in March, you have to submit your application in early January at the latest. Otherwise, submit it five weeks before you leave Japan.

You cannot cash your air ticket.
Also no return travel expenses will be paid, if

(1) You return to your home country for personal reasons during the scholarship-funded period.
(2) You do not return to your home country by the end of the month when the scholarship funded period ends (March or September).
(3) You continue to stay in Japan as a privately-funded student.

Japanese government scholarship students applying for an extension, also need to apply for this Return Travel Allowance in case their extension-application is not allowed.
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