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Health Information
1. Health Administration Center

The Health Administration Center of the University is located at the West corner of the administration building (1st floor). In addition to the health services listed below, psychiatric consultation and psychological counseling are available at the Center by a full-time doctor and nurse. Foreign students should not hesitate to come and consult with the health center or contact the person in charge of international students, whenever they have any health problems.

(1) Office Hours of the Health Administration Center
9:00 ~17:00 (Mon ~ Fri) TEL: (548) 2087, 2072
(2) Physical Examinations
In April every year, you must take the physical examinations of internal medicine, chest X-rays, urine analysis, etc. These physical examinations are mandated by the School Health Law and important for understanding your physical condition and the early detection of disease.
Hepatitis B examination
The examination for research students is held in November. Details will be announced in advance.
(3) Health Consultation
Professional consultants are available 10 times per month for various kinds of problems.
The content of each consultation is kept confidential, so feel free to visit us. The schedule for each month will be posted on the board of the Health Center and the board for students.
Contact the Student Division or the Center by the day before you want to have the consultation.

(4) First Aid
You can consult doctors not only about physical problems, such as headache, fever, stomach ache, injuries, etc., but also about psychological problems concerning your study and life, no matter how small your problems might seem. First aid is available at the Center every day except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
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2. Disaster and Accident Insurance for Students in Education and Research (Gakusei Kyoiku Kenkyu Saigai Shogai Hoken)

This insurance covers accidents during regular classes, school events and extracurricular activities (e.g., if you are injured in a physical education class or burned in an experiment in class). Insurance money is paid for such accidents depending on the severity.

Periods of coverage 1yr. 2yrs. 3yrs. 4yrs.
Insurance premiums ¥1,200 ¥2,100 ¥3,050 ¥3,900

This insurance is a good idea; if you would like to enroll, please ask at the Student Division (Gakusei-ka).

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3. National Health Insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken)

All international students are expected to enroll in the National Health Insurance (NHI) plan. Sign up for this insurance at the municipal office where you registered as a resident. Whenever you receive medical treatment for illness or injury, 70% of the cost will be automatically covered by NHI, so you need to pay only 30% at the hospital’s counter. However, you need to present your NHI card, so be sure to take it with you when visiting a hospital.

The insurance premium and period of its payment are annually sent by mail to you. Please submit your payment promptly during the payment period.

You need to notify the municipal office in the following cases ;

If you address or name changes, please present this information within 14 days.
If you graduate, take a leave of absence from school, or complete your program, then you must
present this information before you leave the country.
  In the event that you are away from Japan and your papers are late getting to the municipal office, you will not be able to receive your new health insurance forms, and will have to pay insurance fees for the time you are away.

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4. Financial Aid for Medical Expenses

International students who receive medical treatment from certified health insurance doctors owing to illness or physical injury will be partly reimbursed by the Association of International Education, Japan (Nihon Kokusai Kyoiku Kyokai).

(1) Application for registration for foreign students' medical assistance (Gaikokujin Ryugakusei Iryohi Hojo Toroku Shinseisho) The application form is available at the Student Affairs Section (Gakuseika) .
(2) The bill of expenditures on medical care (Shinryo Hos hu Seikyu Meisaisho) and the receipt.

Health Insurance Plan.

Classification Temporary payment Payment after financial aid
National Health Insurance Plan and financial aid for medical expenses 30% 6%
Only financial aid for medical expenses 100% 20%
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