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Shiga University of Medical Science
TOP > International Student Life > International House > Manual for Residents
Manual for Residents
1. Purpose

The International House (Kokusai-koryu-kaikan) of Shiga University of Medical Science (hereafter referred to as the House) was founded as a residence hall for overseas students and scholars in order to promote international communication in the field of education and academic research and other related activities.

2. Management

The House is under the management of Shiga University of Medical Science with the Director who has been appointed by the President, and administered by the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka), Administration Office of the University.

Important administrative matters shall be deliberated on and decided by the Director of the House with International Liaison Office (Kokusai-koryu-shien-shitsu).
The House has a House Adviser who can advise residents on day-to-day problems.

3. Name and Address

International House, Shiga University of Medical Science 18-1, Seta Tsukinowa-cho, Otsu, Shiga 520-2192 TEL: 077-548-2013 (Research Cooperation Division / Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka)

4. Facilities

The House is a three-story building of reinforced concrete, and consists of rooms for residents and facilities for common use and administrative facilities.

  Rooms for residents
Type of room Number of rooms Area (m2)
Single 16 16
Couple 5 40
Family 3 60
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1. Qualifications for Residence
  Applicants must belong to one of the following categories.
(1) Overseas students who are registered at Shiga University of Medical Science, and their families.
(2) Overseas scholars who are engaged in teaching or research at Shiga University of Medical Science, and their families.
(3) Others who have received the permission of the Director.
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2. Application for Admission

An applicant should fill out an APPLICATION FOR RESIDENCE (Nyukyo-shinseisho, Form 1) and submit it to the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka) of the House at least one month before the first day of residence.

The adviser or host professor may fill out the form for the applicant, who should supply all the necessary information.

Permission for residence is to be granted by the Director of the House after examination by the Committee. An applicant admitted for residence shall receive a PERMIT FOR RESIDENCE (Nyukyo-kyoka-tsuchisho, Form 2). Persons who are granted permission must move into the House within 10 days after the day assigned by the Director. New residents are requested to notify the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka) of their arrival time in advance, and to arrive at the House during office hours. Upon occupancy, residence must submit a NOTIFICATION OF ARRIVAL (Nyukyo-todoke, Form 3), PLEDGE (Seiyakusho, Form 4) and LETTER OF GUARANTEE (Hoshosho, Form 5) to the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka) of the Administration Office of the University.

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3. Period of Residence

The period of residence should not be less than one month nor more than one year.

Permission for the extension may be granted by the Director of the House after examination by the Committee. Those who wish to request an extension of the period of stay, must fill out an APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF PERIOD OF RESIDENCE (Nyukyo-kikan-encho-shinseisho, Form 6) and submit it to the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka) of the University, at least one month before the expiration date of the original residence. An applicant who receives permission for the extension shall receive a PERMIT FOR EXTENSION OF PERIOD OF RESIDENCE (Nyukyo-kikan-encho-kyoka-tsuchisho, Form 7).

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4. Cancellation of Right to Residence

The Director may cancel the permission of residence if the resident does not complete the procedures by the assigned date or if the resident does not abide by the rules and regulations of the House, in accordance with Article 12. In these cases, the resident shall receive a NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATION OF RESIDENCE PERMIT (Nyukyo-kyoka-torikeshi-tsuchisho, Form 8).

5. Vacating
  If residents become subject to anyone of the following items, they must leave the House.
(1) The period of residence has expired.
(2) Permission for admission is canceled owing to violation of the rules designated as Article 12 of the Regulations of the House.
(3) A residence ceases to satisfy the qualification for residence.
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6. Vacating Procedure

Those who are going to vacate their rooms must submit a NOTIFICATION OF MOVING OUT (Taikyo-todoke, Form 9) to the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka), one month prior to the moving date, and they must vacate their rooms during office hours.

7. Inspection of the Rooms

Upon departure, residents are asked to leave the room clean and orderly, and to have the state of furniture, equipment and fixtures inspected by an officer.

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8. Office Hours

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday)
The office will be closed on Saturdays, Sundays, New Year's Holidays (December 29 through January 3), and other National Holidays.

  The other national holidays are as follows:
The second Monday of January Coming of Age Day
February 11 National Foundation Day
March 19,20 or 21 Vernal Equinox Day
April 29 Showa Day
May 3 Constitution Memorial Day
May 4 Greenery Day
May 5 Children's Day
The Third Monday of July Marine Day
The Third Monday of September Respect for Aged Day
September 22,23 or 24 Autumnal Equinox day
The second Monday of October Health and Sports Day
November 3 Culture Day
November 23 Labor Thanksgiving Day
December 23 The Emperor's Birthday
  Whenever a national holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will also be a holiday.
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1. Rents and Charges for Lodging

Rent should be paid at the Accounts Division (Kaikeika) of the Administration Office by the designated date of each month, according to the following rates. Rents and Charges are controlled by the Regulations Concerning Tuition Fees and Other Fees/Charges of Shiga University of Medical Science and the Detailed Regulations of the International House, Shiga University of Medical Science. Rents and Charges may be subject to change due to revisions of the above-mentioned regulations.
The payment is not refundable.

  (1) Rent for Students
Type of Room Rent per Month
Single ¥5,900
Couple ¥9,500
Family ¥14,200
  Note: Students must pay the rent for a whole calendar month even if they are in residence for only a part of the month. Rent for long leave should be paid in advance.
  (2) Rent for Scholars
Type of Room Rent per Month Rent per Day
Single ¥10,800 ¥360
Couple ¥24,300 ¥810
Family ¥37,800 ¥1,260
  Note: For scholars arriving or leaving during any month, the rent for that month is calculated at the daily rate.
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2. Utility Fees

Utility fees are charged for electricity, gas, and water. Residents will be notified each month of the fees for electricity, water, and gas for their rooms and the fees are to be paid to the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka) by the designated date. The payment is not refundable under any circumstance. Residents must also pay expenses for common facilities including newspapers, polyethylene bags, and so forth.

3. Deposit

Residents must deposit an amount of money in the office of the House upon moving in. This will be used for payment of charges for repair of wear-and-tear or damages, if any, at moving out.

If the estimated amount exceeds the actual cost, the difference will be refunded, but in the case of an underestimate, the difference will be charged in addition.

Type of Room Deposit
Single ¥10,000
Couple ¥20,000
Family ¥30,000
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4. Charges for Room Cleaning
  Residents must pay the charges for room cleaning at the time of moving out.
Type of room Charges for Room Cleaning
Single ¥ 5,000
Couple ¥10,000
Family ¥15,000
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1. Key

The resident is given room key(s) and asked to sign a receipt for it. The resident is responsible for the key during the period of residence. Making a duplicate or lending the key is strictly prohibited. If the key is lost or damaged, the resident is to report it to the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka) immediately. A replacement fee will be charged. The key must be returned to the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka) at the time of moving out.

2. Maintenance of Facilities, Equipment and Fixtures

All the facilities and equipment must be used with due care, and kept in good condition. Alteration or remodeling is prohibited. When a resident or someone of his/her family destroys, loses, breaks, mars or damages the facilities or equipment of the House, he/she must indemnify for the damage. It is prohibited to personally reconstruct or repair the facilities, equipment and fixtures of the House.

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3. Inspection of Facilities

For the inspection of the electricity, gas and water facilities, we will let you know in advance. However, please keep in mind that when you are not in, the technical inspector may enter your room with the spare key with a staff member present.

4. Disposal of Garbage

Garbage in private rooms and in the lounge should be divided into six categories and disposed of at the designated places by 8:30 a.m. on weekdays as follows:

(1) Burnable trash: ordinary, kitchen garbage and plastic goods (except recyclable plastics)
(2) Non-burnable trash: ceramics, metals, electric bulbs, fluorescent lights. - For safety, objects should be placed in thick bags or wrapped in papers and write what is inside on them.
(3) Plastic bottles(recyclable) - Remove caps and labels, and rinse inside.
(4) Glass bottles(recyclable) - Remove caps and wash inside.
  * Plastic caps are considered burnable and metal ones are non-burnable.
(5) Cans(recyclable) - Empty all contents and rinse well. Spray cans or gas cartridges should be empty and made safe by putting a hole in them, and be placed in a separate bag from other cans.
(6) Books, magazines, newspapers and cardboard etc. - Assort them and tie separately.
* Large-Sized trash: Large-Sized trash such as electrical appliances should be disposed of by getting in touch with the Research Cooperation Division(Kenkyu-kyoryoku-ka).
In advance of disposing of such things, try to look for someone who will use them.
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5. Health and Hygiene
(1) Each resident is responsible for keeping his/her room and facilities clean and orderly.
(2) After each use of common facilities, such as the lounge or laundry, the place must be left clean and orderly. Personal items must not be left unattended.
(3) Making noise or a disturbance is prohibited. Also leaving one's possessings in the common areas, such as entrance or hallway stairs is prohibited.
(4) No pets can be kept in the House.
6. Fire Prevention

Careful attention with respect to fire is requested. The House is equipped with fire extinguishers and fire alarms. All the residents should know how to use them. Inspections shall be conducted a few times a year under the Fire Defense Law. Use of kerosene heaters is prohibited.

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7. Telephone

A telephone line is available in each room. Residents who want to have their own telephones or internet lines in their rooms can contact a telephone/provider company personally. Contract term should be within the period of the residence permit. It is necessary to report, in advance, any line constructions to the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-kyoryoku-ka).

8. Mail

Generally mails are delivered to the department to which the residents belong via intramural delivery service through the Office of the Faculty of Medicine.

9. Parking Lots and Parking

Bicycles and motorcycles must not be left on the roads or at the entrance to the House. They should be locked and put in the designated parking space.

There is no parking place for cars at the House. The University would not issue a certification of parking space which is necessary for purchase of a car.

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10. Visitors

Residents may only meet visitors in the lounge from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight in the House.

11. Staying Out

When residents want to stay away for a long time, they must inform the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-kyoryoku-ka) of their schedule, so that the officer can make contact with them in case of an emergency. Residents who will stay away for longer than one month must leave their key(s) at the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-kyoryoku-ka).

12. Articles that may be borrowed

Vacuum cleaners and dehumidifiers are available for use. Residents who want to borrow one may apply at the Research Cooperation Division (Kenkyu-Kyoryoku-Ka). They must be returned immediately after use.

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13. Bedding

Residents should consult with the adviser or host professor with respect to obtaining bedclothes such as quilts, bed-pads, sheets, blankets, pillows, and pillow cases. Rental bedclothes are available at the Wajin-kai Foundation (Wajin-kai) in the University Hospital.

14. Orders for Newspapers, Milk, and Dry-cleaning Delivery

The delivery of newspapers, milk, and dry-cleaning will be available by private contract with the respective dealers.

Newspapers (in Japanese and in English) subscribed for the residents are available at the lounge. You may read them only in the lounge.

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